Celebrating Black Mamas, Every Day.
Dear Sista,
What have you birthed as of late?
Perhaps it was a child, or a childhood dream
What have you nurtured as of late?
Perhaps it was your adult daughter, or your aging father?
What have you caressed as of late?
Perhaps it was your newborn nephew, or yourself after a triflin' day at work.
Sista, I see the Black Mother in you.
It is from the hips and lips of Black Mothers that children are held and traditions are shared. On this Mother's Day, let us take an intentional pause to honor the Black Mama, the Black Auntie, the Black Grandmama, and the Grand Midwives that have poured into our communities without hesitation. The hearts of these women hold a Love and Divine Intelligence that is beyond explantation.
On this Mother's Day, Sista, may we honor all truths of Black Motherhood- both the Love and the grief. In years of slavery and Jim Crow, Black Motherhood meant that our beings were violated as means of "breeding". Black Motherhood was (and still remains) synonymous with a terror that our children may not return to our arms. We were forced to feed white babies with the sacred milk meant to nourish our own little ones. Today let us breathe with this grief and loss, as to create more space for the riches also awaiting Black Mamahood.
These riches can be seen in
The stories of Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison
The bravery of Harriet Tubman
The charisma of Cicely Tyson
The testimony of Rosa Parks
Some of these women may not have bore children from their womb, but they mothered a nation from their Spirits.
Dear Sista, I See You. Know that I am holding your hand as you try to conceive your first child, and as you give birth to your vision of becoming a congresswoman.
At Wonder of Women (W.OW) we know that one day is simply not enough to celebrate the vastness of Black Mamas. We intentionally create space for Black women and girls to do their healing work, in a loving environment. Point blank and a whollllllle periodt: every day is our day to celebrate Black women and girls.
If you would like to enjoy this celebration in person, I cordially invite you to visit the Wonder of Women Gallery Experience at Pacific Place Mall in Seattle. Opening June 18th & JUNETEENTH 2021, we are UNAPOLOGETICALLY taking up space to provide healing and high vibrational inspiration. On display will also be Hiawatha D.'s Iconic Black Women. In this curated gallery experience you will cross an ancestral portal at the intersection of art, healing, and social justice.
This is only the beginning Sista, more details are to come. For now: sit back, rest, and know that you are loved on this Mother's Day, and all days hereafter.
With Love, Light, Liberation and Legacy--
Your Sista
All Photos Courtesy of: @KreativeMindsetPhotography